
Our Mission

The Stein Family Foundation ASPIRE program was established to recognize and encourage talented and creative students who may not qualify for existing scholarships.


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Demonstrating targets and goals for future education and employment.

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Displaying expertise and dedication to improving skills through continued education.

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Undertaking the effort and demonstrating the willingness required to be a success.

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Encouraging and mentoring others via performance, teaching or publication.

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Utilizing available resources and opportunities to expand and broaden talents.

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Possessing a passion in pursuing a career path associated with a field of study or sport.

Any graduating high school student can be a recipient of an ASPIRE award. Academic excellence is not a pre-requisite.

Although academic performance is one factor in selecting candidates, it is not the main focus of the award. Students who display an exceptional skill or capability both inside and outside the classroom, and who are dedicated to developing and expanding their abilities through continuing education are excellent candidates. Such skills may reflect any sport, trade or academic study where additional training and education is available through an accredited institution. In addition, community and school involvement, especially in the promotion or demonstration of a candidate’s skill, is a factor in the selection process.


Each individual ASPIRE award has a cash value of $1,000.

Awarded funds must be applied against further education at an accredited post-secondary institution or trade school, or for the purchase of equipment, supplies, etc. to support studies at such an institution.

Currently, the ASPIRE program is available at select schools within the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) in the province of Ontario, Canada. The number of awards available at each school is determined based on school enrollment and existing scholarships, bursaries and awards.


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Students must be enrolled in their final year of high school. In addition, candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Intention/ability to graduate at the end of the current year
  • Minimum anticipated average final year grade of 70%

No student application is required or requested.

Each school is asked to establish a committee of teachers and staff to select candidates for each award. Once candidates have been selected, the committee coordinates a meeting with members of the Stein Family Foundation to review each student’s qualifications and to select winners. With winners selected, each school decides how and when they will announce and present the awards.

Image of graduating class